Posted on Jan 4, 2018

If a toothache keeps you up at night, you’ll see your dentist near Belmont for treatment so you can sleep throughout the night. Sleep apnea is another condition that can prevent you from getting the sleep you need, and your dentist can help you in this case as well. Sleep apnea narrows your airways and causes loud snoring and unpleasant symptoms, but oral appliance therapy can help. Just remember to follow up with your dentist in the future to make sure you’re still as healthy as possible. Continue reading and see if your dentist holds the key to a better night’s sleep.

Sleep Apnea

There might be more to your snoring than you think. Snoring is a sign that you might have sleep apnea, which is a health condition that causes people to wake up repeatedly throughout the night. People don’t even notice that they wake up for the most part, so they might not realize that they have the condition. Unfortunately, this condition does more than annoy your sleeping partner. Sleep apnea may increase your risk for many serious health conditions like diabetes and cancer. On the upside, your dentist might be able to help you.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Sleep apnea can ruin your sleep, inconvenience your partner, and give you aches and pains to deal with the next day. You can treat the condition and minimize these issues with the help of your dentist. A continuous positive airway pressure machine, or CPAP, helps open your airways so your breathing doesn’t get interrupted while you sleep. Alternatively, you may benefit from an oral appliance that positions the jaw to remain more open throughout the night, keeping the airways unobstructed. Your dentist can create a custom appliance or CPAP mouthpiece that allows you to sleep more comfortably while breathing easier.

Following Up

It’s a good idea to go back to the doctor after starting a new treatment plan, so make it a point to see your dentist again soon. Then you can discuss how the treatment is working and ask any questions that have come up since you started.

Key to better night sleep