Dentists in Belmont routinely offer composite fillings to repair teeth affected by decay, cracks, or fractures. Whereas a root canal involves removing a decaying tooth’s pulp, a filling simply removes part of the tooth itself.

After your dentist removes the flawed or decaying portion of your tooth, he or she fills it with composite materials. Because composite fillings are tooth colored, they can be customized to match the colors of surrounding natural teeth. Composite fillings are best suited for the front teeth or to visible parts of teeth. Like veneers, composite fillings are not permanent and will need to be replaced after many years. However, when a dentist places these fillings, you can expect a beautiful smile for years to come. Additionally, these fillings can be placed in a single appointment. The procedure is entirely painless. However, if you feel anxious about dental visits, ask your dentist about sedation dentistry so you can better relax during your appointment. Sedation dentistry can help you feel more comfortable during certain procedures.

Spotlight on Composite Fillings