If you feel nervous or anxious about visiting your Belmont dentist, you might benefit from sedation dentistry. Dental anxiety can keep you from getting the dental treatments that you need, which can put your teeth and gums at risk for serious issues like decay and periodontal disease. If you can relate to any of the following, you should ask your dentist about using sedation dentistry:
You Feel Anxious About Dental Treatment
Dental anxiety can range in severity from a sense of unease about a visit to the dentist all the way to crippling fear that prevents someone from even scheduling an appointment. If you feel any level of discomfort about going to the dentist, sedation dentistry helps you relax enough to get the oral treatments you need.
You Have Already Avoided the Dentist
You should go to the dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and checkups. If too much time has past since your last appointment, you might be unknowingly struggling with dental anxiety. Regular cleanings help prevent plaque buildup that can eventually cause decay and cavities in your teeth. If you have avoided the dentist, it is important to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Ask about sedation dentistry when you call to make an appointment to ensure that you feel comfortable getting the procedures you need.
You Need a Lot of Work Done
Even people who do not suffer from dental anxiety can benefit from sedation dentistry. If you need a lot of work done on your teeth and gums, sedation dentistry can ease the pain and help you feel calmer about your dental work. If you have to sit in the dentist’s chair for hours, sedation dentistry can make it feel like the procedure merely took minutes. This is a great way to get the treatments you need while minimizing your discomfort.
Whether or not you suffer from dental anxiety, it is important to communicate freely with your dentist. Regular visits with an oral health professional are key elements of maintaining healthy teeth and gums.