From the time you were a child, your dentist urged you to practice proper dental hygiene in order to avoid problems with your teeth and gums in the future. One of the problems that he or she was referring to is gingivitis. Along with the more serious periodontitis, these two conditions describe the spectrum of gum disease. In addition to taking away from your appearance, gingivitis comes with further implications for your oral health. Keep reading if you would like to learn some essential information about gingivitis.


It can sometimes be difficult to tell if you suffer from gingivitis without consulting your dentist; in other cases, the diagnosis can be quite obvious. As the early stage of gum disease, the most prevalent symptoms of gingivitis relate to the condition of your gums. Those who are affected tend to notice swelling and bleeding of the gums. It is important to note that you should not stop brushing your teeth if you notice blood; this could make the problem worse. Instead, use a toothbrush with softer bristles. You might also notice pockets between your gums and teeth as well as tooth sensitivity if you suffer from gingivitis.


Like most other diseases, there are many factors that could contribute to the development of gingivitis. If you fail to practice proper dental hygiene and brush and floss your teeth every day, you may be much more likely to develop gingivitis. You also increase your risk for gingivitis and gum disease by smoking or using tobacco products. Unfortunately, gingivitis may also be caused due to medications for severe conditions, and in some cases the health conditions themselves might lead to your gingivitis. Even family history and hormones can affect your susceptibility to this condition, so be sure to see your dentist regularly.

Information about Gingivitis