Gum and jaw issues are common concerns that bring people to the dentist. Jaw problems and periodontal disease near Belmont are treatable with a number of different methods depending on your specific issue. If you are a nervous dental patient, seek a dentist who utilizes sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry enables patients to treat their gum and jaw issues without stress. Keep reading for a rundown on a few of the common treatments for gum and jaw issues.

Pocket Reduction Surgery

In a healthy mouth, the bone and gum tissue should fit tightly around your teeth. Periodontal disease destroys bone and gum tissue, creating pockets around your teeth. These pockets provide a space in which bacteria collect and multiply. Over time, this accumulation of bacteria can damage more tissue and bone, resulting in a loss of teeth. Your dentist stops this process by reducing the size of the pockets surrounding your teeth. When pockets are eliminated, patients are able to efficiently clean their teeth to ensure a healthy mouth.

Sinus Augmentation

A sinus augmentation or sinus lift is a procedure in which your dentist creates space for new bone growth by raising your sinus floor. This procedure is commonly performed in anticipation of the placement of dental implants. While it is not necessary for everyone who receives dental implants, your dentist will recommend a sinus augmentation if there is not enough bone present for the implants to form a strong bond.

Gum Graft

Gum grafting is a method that your dentist will use to change the contour of your gum line. There are numerous reasons why your dentist may recommend a gum graft. Patients experiencing gum recession may require a gum graft in order to bring the gums back to a position where teeth are protected. Other patients opt to have a gum graft because they are unhappy with the appearance of their smiles. The process for performing a gum graft varies between dentists and is dependent on patient needs. Some gum grafts utilize tissue from the roof of your mouth, whereas others graft tissue from the surrounding gums.

Treatments for gum & jaw issues in Belmont