Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss, and it can also cause pain, bleeding, and chronic bad breath. If you develop gum disease in Belmont, your dentist can treat it, but avoiding it completely is the best way to reduce your risk of suffering from the complications it can cause. Stop gum disease in its tracks with these strategies.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

One of the easiest and most impactful things you can do to reduce your risk of gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene. Brush and floss twice a day, and talk to your dentist to see if you should be using a mouthwash that reduces germs that can cause gum disease. Allowing plaque and bacteria to build up on your teeth greatly increases your odds of developing gum disease, so stay dedicated to your hygiene plan to protect your oral health.

Control Your Chronic Diseases

Your oral health is closely related to your overall health, and when you have certain chronic health conditions, you could have a higher risk of gum disease. Diabetes, for instance, is closely linked to gum disease, especially when it is uncontrolled. If you have a chronic condition, work closely with your specialist to manage it as well as you can. Make sure your dentist is up to date on your medical history, so he or she understands if you have an increased risk for gum disease.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Even with your most conscientious efforts to follow an oral hygiene routine, it is impossible to remove every trace of plaque from your teeth. This plaque eventually turns into a hard substance called tartar that can only be removed during a professional dental cleaning. In most cases, dentists recommend a cleaning every six months, but your dentist may suggest more frequent cleanings for you, depending on your risk factors. Removing tartar from your teeth will reduce your risk of gum disease. When you see your dentist regularly, he or she can also diagnose gum disease in its early stages, when it is easier to treat and reverse.

3 Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy