When you see a dentist in Belmont, you should feel completely safe and secure throughout your visit. At Belmont Dental Group, we put a lot of emphasis on safety to ensure that all of our patients have the best experience possible. Keep reading to learn more about these safety efforts and how they can change your next dental appointment:

We pay special attention to infection control. Our entire staff makes an effort to sterilize and correctly dispose of contaminated material. Because of our extreme attention to infection control, we are able to exceed the guidelines set by the American Dental Association.

After every visit, we take the time to sterilize the exam room to prepare it for the next patient. We use heat and steam to completely sterilize all of our dental equipment, including drills. Our staff gets regular training about the newest methods of sterilization. Whenever you come in for a visit with the dentist, you can be sure that everything is as sterile and clean as possible.

Team of Belmont Dental Group